If you need a whistleblower retaliation attorney, our team has successfully represented numerous clients who have been fired or threatened for reporting fraud, waste, misconduct and violations of laws, and can help protect you.

Whistleblower retaliation or “adverse action” against brave individuals who speak out to protect the public interest is prohibited. If you need a whistleblower retaliation attorney, Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto will fight for those who suffer retaliation for reporting fraud, waste, misconduct and violations of laws.

Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto is a whistleblower law firm that successfully advocated for whistleblowers who suffered retaliation at the Washington Area Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA), won the largest damage award ever obtained under the federal environment and nuclear whistleblower laws, and won reinstatement for the country’s highest-ranking nuclear whistleblower in U.S. history

Our Record

Our success in this area is unparalleled. Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto has set precedents in cases establishing strict rules prohibiting settlement agreements restricting the right of employees to make reports to government regulators. Our whistleblower retaliation attorneys have advocated for key reforms protecting federal employees to be included in the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act and have recommended provisions that strengthened whistleblower protections for corporate employees to incorporated into the Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes Oxley Acts.

A Whistleblower Retaliation Attorney is there to Protect Your Rights

The purpose of whistleblower protection laws are to allow employees to stop, report, or testify about employer actions that are illegal, unhealthy, or violate specific public policies – without risking retaliation. The first step in reviewing a claim is to determine what statutes or common law actions may provide a remedy. A case may be covered under more than one whistleblower protection provision. Depending upon whom one works for and in which state one is employed, the nature and scope of whistleblower protections are varied. In addition to explicit whistleblower protection laws, employees may also be protected under traditional tort or contract law for damages resulting from retaliation for blowing the whistle.

If you have experienced retaliation and would like to know how Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto can help you with your case, please complete our Contact Form.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The best defense against retaliation is to be an anonymous or confidential whistleblower. If the boss does not know who the whistleblower is, they cannot retaliate. If possible, you should immediately obtain legal counsel from an experienced whistleblower attorney before you blow the whistle in order to ensure that your disclosures are legally protected.

No. There are over 50 different whistleblower laws, each covering different parts of the economy, such as nuclear safety, food safety, airline safety, tax frauds, and corporate fraud. You level of protection and the specific filing requirements depend on the law you are using.

Most retaliation laws require an employee to prove the following: (1) you are an employee and your company is an employer under a specific whistleblower law; (2) you made a disclosure protected under that law; (3) your employer knows you are a whistleblower; (4) you suffered an adverse action; (5) you can demonstrate a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected disclosure.

It depends on the law you are using. Some deadlines are as short as 30 days, some as long as three years or more. You must carefully review the filing requirements for any applicable whistleblower law.

Companies will often feel threatened by whistleblowers, and lash out aggressively. Blowing the whistle means putting your reputation and career on the line. You need a whistleblower retaliation attorney in your corner to protect your rights.

Yes. Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto represents clients with whistleblower retaliation cases who reside inside or outside of the United States. However, most U.S. whistleblower laws only permit non-U.S. whistleblowers to obtain a whistleblower reward, but do not cover employment matters.

Our Attorneys

Stephen Kohn

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.

Michael Kohn - Whistleblower Attorney

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.

David Colapinto

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.