Our whistleblower protection lawyers have been in the trenches representing US and international whistleblowers for over 30 years.

In fact, the law firm represented whistleblowers before Congress enacted most of the modern whistleblower laws such as the False Claims Act, Whistleblower Protection Act, Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley Acts.

Since 1988, Kohn, Kohn, and Colapinto’s has been exclusively dedicated to whistleblower protection, whistleblower rewards, and public interest advocacy. Our whistleblower lawyers are fierce allies and public servants who clearly understand the intricacies of US, international and state whistleblower laws.

The firm has set national precedents for protection, and has helped hundreds of anonymous and confidential whistleblowers obtain whistleblower rewards. We’ve won whistleblower cases against the most powerful corporations, law firms and government agencies, including Fannie Mae, J.P. Morgan Chase, Halliburton, FBI, Department of Defense, the EPA and many more.

Establishing Precedents in Whistleblower Protection

Whistleblower Protection Attorneys Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto

KKC partner Stephen Kohn welcomes Sen. Charles Grassley to National Whistleblower Day 2019.

When considering an experienced whistleblower protection lawyer, look no further than Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto. Whether you’re located in the US or internationally, our firm is here to protect you against retaliation and anonymously file for rewards under various US laws and programs.

  • Our whistleblower protection attorneys led the effort to ban “hush money” payments in federal cases involving environmental and nuclear violations and the use of illegal NDAs to silence whistleblowers. 
  • We successfully represented FBI whistleblowers that documented illegal searches under the Patriot Act’s “National Security Letter” program. 
  • Additionally, we forced the Department of Justice to review thousands of criminal convictions based on document forensic fraud at the crime lab.

If you have information of a fraud or violation of federal law, you should first seek legal advice. Get in touch with a whistleblower protection lawyer at Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto for a free and confidential consultation.

We’ve Helped Write the Rules on Whistleblowing

During the Dodd-Frank rulemaking process our partners worked closely with the SEC to create an effective whistleblower program. The firm’s whistleblower protection lawyers met personally with each of the five SEC Commissioners, presenting them with detailed reports and proposals with new rules.

The partners also seek to protect and enhance legal protections for tax fraud whistleblowers. Our team has filed numerous internal revenue service rulemaking petitions, filed extensive briefs to the IRS and testified at IRS rulemaking hearings to strengthen the tax whistleblower program.

Notable Whistleblower Protection and Retaliation Cases

William Sanjour - Environmental Whistleblower

William Sanjour

William Sanjour worked at the US Environmental Protection Agency for over 20 years and wrote on whistleblower protection and public health issues.

Sanjour contacted one of our whistleblower protection attorneys, seeking to challenge the rules restricting EPA works to speak with environmental community groups. Sanjour filed and won a landmark lawsuit (Sanjour v. EPA) against the federal government which established the First Amendment rights of federal employees to blow the whistle on their employer.

Mr. Sanjour was a guest on the Phil Donahue show in 1996, on a panel discussing the importance of whistleblowers in our society.

Jane Turner - FBI Whistleblower

Jane Turner

Jane Turner was a highly decorated 25-year veteran of the FBI. She won awards for successfully investigating major crimes on the Forth Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota. She was described by federal prosecutors as the leading FBI agent solving child crimes in the entire United States. After documenting a seriously botched child sex crime case committed by agents of the FBI, she was removed from her position.

With whistleblower protection law firm Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, Turner successfully fought her removal, winning a precedent setting case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Her case was tried before federal jury and she was fully vindicated.

The jury awarded Ms. Turner the maximum compensatory damages permitted under Title VII. The total recovery, costs, fees, and damages awarded exceeded $1.5 million. After the trial one of the jurors hugged Ms. Turner and told her, “I think you were the very best FBI agent.”

Turner also reported illegal theft by federal officials at the 9/11 World Trade Center crime scene. Her disclosures were backed-up by the DOJ Inspector General, and systemic reforms were approved. She again suffered retaliation, and again won her whistleblower case.

Martin-Hubbell Top Rated Whistleblower Protection Lawyers

The whistleblower protection lawyers at Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto have won many of the most prestigious peer reviewed recognitions available to any law firm. The National Law Journal selected our whistleblower law firm as one of the top 50-elite plaintiff’s law firms in the entire United States. Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto was the only whistleblower law firm to be selected.

Prior to this achievement, the National Law Journal designated our firm as one of a handful of “hot” plaintiff’s law firms in the country, and stated that we were the “go to” firm for whistleblowers. No other law firm that specializes in whistleblower protection or qui tam has obtained these two designations.

Legal Leaders AV Preeminent

Additional Resources

Our Attorneys

Stephen Kohn

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.

Michael Kohn - Whistleblower Attorney

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.

David Colapinto

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.