When considering an international whistleblower lawyer, look no further than Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto. We’ve been representing SEC, IRS, CFTC and FCPA whistleblowers for more than 30 years.

Our team has helped clients receive some of the biggest rewards in world history, and have resulted in widespread media coverage on several major news networks.

Take our client and IRS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld for instance. In 2012, Birkenfeld received the largest individual qui tam whistleblower reward ever given to an individual qui tam plaintiff, $104 million. Mr. Birkenfeld’s disclosure directly led to a groundbreaking legal settlement in which UBS agreed to pay $780 million in fines. UBS and the Swiss Government also agreed to turn over the names of thousands of Americans suspected of tax evasion.

Another example is husband and wife team, tax Whistleblowers’ 21276 and 77. These two played the leading roles in a high-stakes confidential “sting” operation against a sophisticated international criminal enterprise that managed over $1.2 billion in offshore “secret accounts.” After two significant victories in Tax Court, the whistleblowers obtained $17.4 million in rewards.

International Whistleblower Lawyers - Stephen Kohn, Michael Kohn and David Colapinto

The National Law Journal named KKC as a firm who’s “doing the most creative and most important work in the courtroom.” Many other whistleblowers, attorneys and law makers have echoed that sentiment, along with many other Washington, DC lawmakers.

If you know of fraud, submit an intake to speak with one of our international whistleblower lawyers. If we decide to represent you, one of our founding partners will manage your case.

International Whistleblower Reward Programs

There are several laws and programs international whistleblowers can use. This all depends on the type of fraud or violation of law committed. This fraud can have many forms. We suggest you learn about US whistleblower laws and reward programs available before anything else. You may decide to seek the help of an international whistleblower lawyer or proceed to blowing the whistle on your own.

  • SEC Whistleblower Reward Programponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, theft or misappropriation of securities, insider trading, unregistered securities offering, abuse naked short selling, bribery of government officials or foreign officials;
  • IRS Whistleblower Programoffshore tax havens, shell accounts, money laundering, false reporting, pyramiding, false payroll tax returns;
  • CFTC Whistleblower Program – commodity pool fraud, Foreign Currency (Forex) fraud, precious metals frauds, commodity trading systems sold on the Internet, profits based on seasonal demand or other well-known public information, profits from the war on terrorism, phony futures and options websites, false promises of profits as a result of natural disasters, binary options and fraud;
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – using bribes to gain business, using bribes to approve a project, using bribes to induce a doctor’s endorsement, using bribes to gain business from political figures, failing to keep proper books and records;
  • The False Claims Act and Qui Tam – overbilling, kickbacks and bribes, fraud in obtaining government contracts, providing defective goods to the government, false statements on customs forms failure to comply with government contract or leases, failure to pay the money that is owed to the government; new forms of healthcare fraud;
  • Dodd-Frank – For whistleblowers under the Securities and Exchange Act, the Commodity Exchange Act and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, (SEC and CFTC) the Dodd-Frank Act created enhanced provisions to protect the confidentiality of whistleblowers. It also permits Dodd-Frank whistleblowers to anonymously file reward claims.

* The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are responsible for enforcing the FCPA.

KKC has been involved in crafting laws for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This public service is to help prevent further Securities and Commodities Fraud, and also help establish stronger rights for international whistleblowers. If you know of fraud, get in touch for a complimentary case evaluation.

Choosing an International Whistleblower Lawyer

Your reputation, career, health and wellbeing will be tested when you decide to blow the whistle. And if you want to be an anonymous whistleblower using US laws, you must hire a US-based attorney.

We strongly advise hiring the most experienced international whistleblower lawyer who knows the various whistleblower laws inside and out. This lawyer should also know how to protect your identity and certain disclosures, because not all disclosures are lawful.

If you think you have an international case, you should choose an attorney that has helped represent whistleblowers in the past. This attorney should be able to protect the whistleblowers rights and identity, and also protect them against retaliation (or reprisal).

Our international whistleblower lawyers have clients from every continent on earth, except for Antarctica. The National Law Journal named Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto as one of the top fifty plaintiff’s law firms in the United States. If you have information, submit an intake for a confidential case evaluation.

Our International Whistleblower Cases

Our clients have reported a vast number of cases. Everything from foreign bribery and money laundering, to document forgery and falsifying information. Recently, we’ve seen cases of market manipulation, which violate the CFTC, such as spoofing and illegal swaps trading. Below are a few of our publicly-known cases:

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Our Attorneys

Stephen Kohn

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.

Michael Kohn - Whistleblower Attorney

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.

David Colapinto

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.