Whistleblower Terms Dictionary

Glossary of Whistleblower Terms

Welcome to the whistleblower dictionary, prepared by the pro bono team at Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto. If you’re new to the world of whistleblowing, or just need to link to an authoritative definition, this resources if for you. For questions or additions, please email geoff.schweller@kkc.com.

Terms Beginning With ‘A’

  • AI Washing

  • Attorney-Client Privilege

  • Asset Forfeiture Fund

  • Advocacy

  • Anti-Money Laundering Act

  • Abusive Tax Schemes

  • Anti-Corruption

  • Anonymous

  • Amicus Curiae

Terms Beginning With ‘B’

  • Blacklisting

  • Bankruptcy

  • Base Share Erosion and Profiting

  • Bribery

  • Back Pay

  • Blue Sky Laws

  • Blockchain

  • Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)

Terms Beginning With ‘C’

  • Covered Action

  • Credible

  • Corporate Governance

  • Corruption

  • Compensation

  • Compliance

  • Confidentiality

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Commodity Exchange Act

  • Commodities Fraud

  • Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Terms Beginning With ‘D’

  • 183-Day Rule

  • Dirty Money

  • Damages

  • Disgorgement

  • Digital Assets

  • Discrimination

  • Department of Justice

  • Dodd-Frank Act

  • Disclosure

Terms Beginning With ‘E’

  • Embezzlement

  • Extortion

  • Enforcement Action

  • Greenwashing

Terms Beginning With ‘F’

  • Form 3949-A

  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

  • Financial Integrity

  • Facilitation Payment

  • Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989

  • FCPA Violations

  • Fraudulent Billing

  • Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

  • Foreign Bribery

  • FinCEN

  • False Claims Act

Terms Beginning With ‘G’

  • Grease Payment

  • Golden Passport

  • Gag Order

  • Government Contractor

Terms Beginning With ‘H’

  • Hotlines

  • Harrassment

Terms Beginning With ‘I’

  • Self-Regulatory Organization

  • Impunity

  • Insider

  • Insolvency

  • Illicit Finance

  • Intergovernmental Agreement

  • Internal Reporting

  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

  • Illegal Money Service Business (MBS)

Terms Beginning With ‘J’

  • John Doe Provisions

Terms Beginning With ‘K’

  • Kleptocracy

  • Kleptocrat

  • Knowingly

  • Kickback

Terms Beginning With ‘L’

  • Lost Future Earnings

  • Late Day Trading

  • Law Enforcement Agency

  • Lottery Scams

Terms Beginning With ‘M’

  • Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)

  • Material Non-Public Information

  • Mortgage Fraud

  • Medicare and Medicaid Fraud

  • Money Laundering

Terms Beginning With ‘N’

  • Nepotism

  • National Whistleblower Center

Terms Beginning With ‘O’

  • Original Information

  • OFAC Sanctions

  • Ombudsman

  • Organization to Economic Communication and Development (OECD)

Terms Beginning With ‘P’

  • Protected Activity

  • Public Interest

  • Protected Disclosure

  • Proliferation Financing

Terms Beginning With ‘Q’

  • Qui Tam Lawsuits

  • Qui Tam

Terms Beginning With ‘R’

  • Rule 10b5-1

  • Revolving Door

  • Right to Information

  • Reinstatement

  • Relator

  • Reprisal

  • Rewards

  • Retaliation

  • Recoveries

  • Restrictive Non-Disclosure Agreements

Terms Beginning With ‘S’

  • Self-Regulatory Organization

  • Shell Company

  • Source

  • Stark Law

  • Securities Fraud

  • The Security Exchange Commission (SEC)

  • The SEC Whistleblower Program

  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

  • Sanctions

Terms Beginning With ‘T’

  • Tax Evasion

  • Tips

  • Terrorist Financing

  • Tax Fraud

Terms Beginning With ‘U’

  • U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)

  • Unregistered Investments

  • Voluntary

  • Under Seal

Terms Beginning With ‘V’

  • Violation

Terms Beginning With ‘W’

  • Wiretapping

  • Wash Trading

  • Wrongful Termination

  • Wildlife Trafficking

  • White Collar Crime

  • Whistleblower Protection Act

  • Whistleblowing

  • Whistleblower

Terms Beginning With ‘X’

Terms Beginning With ‘Y’

  • Year-End Reporting

Terms Beginning With ‘Z’

  • Zylon

  • Zero-Tolerance

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