Nebraska Whistleblower Law

Whistleblowers protected under common law “public policy” tort. 

Court Decisions:


  • NE Code § 81-2702–2711 (public employees) 
  • NE Code § 48-1114 (opposition to unlawful practice, participation in investigation, discrimination prohibited) 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Nebraska have a False Claims Act (FCA)?

Yes. Healthcare frauds are covered under the Nebraska Medicaid False Claims Act, which outlaws frauds against the state’s Medicaid program.

Does the Nebraska law have a whistleblower provision?

Yes. In Nebraska, a private person with knowledge of a false claim can bring a civil action on behalf of the United States Government to recover the funds paid by the Government as a result of the false claims. The whistleblower will receive a portion of these recovered funds, which may be reduced if it is found that they planned or initiated the fraud.

Does Nebraska recognize the public policy exception for wrongful termination?

Yes. Under Nebraska law, employers cannot terminate employees for any reasons that violate a public policy mandate.

New from Stephen M. Kohn

Rules for Whistleblowers

Learn how whistleblowers have saved lives, stopped frauds, protected their jobs, and earned million-dollar rewards for doing the right thing.