With roots in the heart of DC, our team’s passion for justice fuels our fight for whistleblowers in federal and Florida False Claims Act cases. We go the extra mile to protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve.

Have you witnessed wrongdoing in the financial sector, government contracts, the healthcare system, or even tax evasion? We know facing this can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone. We’re experienced legal advocates helping Florida whistleblowers navigate these complex situations.

If you’ve seen something unfair in the financial world, government contracts, or even on your tax return, federal laws can protect you. We’re experts in navigating these laws and award programs, so you can stand up for what’s right and potentially be rewarded.

Whistleblower Reward Programs

Do you suspect injustice in the financial world, healthcare, or even on your tax return? You’re not alone. Speaking up against wrongdoing can be daunting, but the law is on your side. Powerful whistleblower programs offer protection and significant financial rewards for those who courageously step forward with vital information.


  • Financial incentives: “Imagine: millions of dollars for exposing fraud, corruption, or illegal activity. These laws can put real money in your pocket for doing the right thing.”
  • Confidentiality and protection: “Your safety and anonymity are paramount. These programs safeguard you from retaliation and keep your identity confidential.”
  • Making a difference: “Your courage can create lasting impact. Whistleblowers have stopped billion-dollar scams, protected healthcare patients, and brought down corrupt companies.”

SEC Whistleblower Program

Exposed a shady stock manipulation scheme? The SEC program could reward you handsomely for helping clean up the financial markets.Whistleblower awards can range from 10 to 30 percent of the money collected when the monetary sanctions exceed $1 million. 

CFTC Whistleblower Program

Witnessed unfair practices in the commodities market? The CFTC program incentivizes reporting such activities to ensure fair play for all. As defined in the Dodd-Frank Act, the CFTC Whistleblower Program provides awards to individuals with 10-30% monetary incentives in succesful cases.

AML and Sanctions Whistleblower Program

Uncovered suspicious money laundering or sanctions violations? This program empowers you to stand up to global financial crimes and get rewarded. In a successful enforcement action, whistleblowers may receive between 10% to 30% of the total monetary sanctions collected. 

IRS Whistleblower Program

Know someone cheating the system? The IRS program encourages reporting tax evasion and fraud, helping ensure everyone pays their fair share. The IRS established a dedicated Whistleblower Office and offer financial awards of between 15 and 30% to whistleblowers who provide detailed and credible information leading to the recovery of taxes, penalties, interest, or other amounts from non-compliant taxpayers.

False Claims Act: Qui Tam

Witnessed government fraud or waste? Take action through the Qui Tam provision and potentially receive a significant share of the recovered funds. Whistleblowers, or qui tam relators, may receive 15-30% of the government’s reclaimed funds if they opt to intervene. 

Don’t stay silent. Take a stand against injustice and get rewarded. Contact us today to learn more about your rights and how we can help you navigate the whistleblower process.

Florida State False Claims Act

There are several programs available depending on your situation. And in some instances, whistleblowers may be able to use multiple reward laws or programs.

Federal laws provide a broad scope of protection and opportunities for whistleblowers, but the Florida False Claims Act specifically targets fraud within state-funded programs, such as Medicaid. But it also applies to multiple types of frauds beyond healthcare-related crimes. Our Florida whistleblower attorneys are well-versed in the nuances of this state-specific legislation, ensuring comprehensive legal support for those exposing fraud at the state level.

If a the state of Florida intervenes in a case, a whistleblower might receive an award ranging from 15% to 25%. Without state intervention, the award could range from 25% to 30%. Note: if there’s evidence that the whistleblower was involved in planning or initiating the violation, this may lead to a reduction in the award.

Discover more about Florida’s state whistleblower regulations by exploring the relevant statutes and judicial rulings.

Seeking a Florida Whistleblower Attorney?

Don’t settle for “good enough” when it comes to your whistleblower case. We know whistleblowing is a stressful act that takes courage. Which is why you deserve expert guidance and a champion in your corner. Since 1988, we’ve been helping whistleblowers win their cases. Here’s are a few reasons why we’re the best fit for you:

  • National impact, local trust – we combine federal whistleblower law expertise with deep Florida roots, which allows us to provide both a broad reach and personalized support.
  • Complexity cracked – we thrive on exposing complex frauds, leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of justice and your rightful rewards.
  • Tailored success – We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. If we decide to take your case, you will get more than dedicated attention, but strategies that are completely crafted for your situation.

Get in touch today for a free confidential consultation. Let’s discuss your case, explore your options, and chart a path toward a successful outcome. Remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re here to empower your voice and protect your rights every step of the way.

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Our Attorneys

Stephen Kohn

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.

Michael Kohn - Whistleblower Attorney

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.

David Colapinto

Founding Partner
Washington, D.C.