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Elevate your career with expert guidance.
$ 847
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USD per year
  • Course-integrated AI-chatbot
  • 1-on-1 guidance, financial model review
  • Exclusive partner offers
Access all courses and programs.
$ 497
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USD per year
  • Unlimited access to 200+ courses
  • All certifications & specializations
  • Financial models & templates
Certifications and Courses
Access to 6 Accredited Certifications
  • Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA®)
  • Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA®)
  • Capital Markets & Securities Analyst (CMSA®)
  • Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA®)
  • Financial Planning & Wealth Management Professional (FPWMP™)
  • FinTech Industry Professional (FTIP™)
11 Skill-Focused Specialization Programs
200+ On-Demand Courses, 5,000+ Video Lessons
Quizzes, Assessments, and Case Studies
Credentials and Certifications
Blockchain-Verified Micro-Credential and Certifications
400+ CPE/CPD Credits on offer
Expert Help, the Way You Need It, When You Need It
Live Office Hours
Members-Only Online Community
Exclusive Access to Fin, CFI’s AI-powered Chatbot Integrated into Your Course Experience
Ask an Expert: CFI's 1-on-1 Guidance
Personalized Financial Model Feedback
On-The-Job Productivity Resources
Templates and Guides
Full-Immersion Members-Only Deals

Trusted by 2 Million+ professionals worldwide.

Over 75% of CFI learners report improved productivity or competency within weeks.

"Abhishek Choudhry (CBCA)"

The best course to have in depth knowledge of Credit analysis. I would recommend this course to all who are in process to learn credit analysis.
Student's photo

"World-class skills set"

FMVA certification is challenging, robust and interesting that equips an accounting/finance professional with world-class skills set to advance their careers excel in their endeavors!

"Ajiboye Afeez (FMVA)"

The FMVA program is the best professional certification course I have ever done. The course is hands on experience with relevant industry examples.
Student's photo

"Andrii (CBCA)"

All courses of the CBCA program were provided in a very clear and easily understandable way. The lecturers were covering the subjects in a very effective manner. The design of the presentations looks very pleasant too.  
Student's photo

"Financial Controller, Everlier Ltd"

Became very confident of my work. After completing the BIDA program, I was promoted.
Student's photo

"Daelan Subban (CBCA)"

The CBCA certification program offers an exceptional opportunity to explore financial theory and practice from the perspective of commercial lending and credit analysis.The course content is both comprehensive and easily digestible which make for a highly effective and efficient learning experience. Course instructors are excellent.
Student's photo

"Financial Controller, Everlier Ltd"

Became very confident of my work. After completing the BIDA program, I was promoted.
Student's photo

"Program Manager, Amazon"

ESG specialization is highly required skills and glad CFI is solving that issue.
Student's photo

"Anthony Santillanes (FMVA)"

I would absolutely recommend CFI’s training for anyone who’s looking to rapidly increase their ability to add value through a certification program.
Student's photo

Frequently Asked Questions

If you haven’t found your answer from our FAQ, please send us a message.
Can I purchase an individual certification program?
All of our world-renowned certification programs and specializations are available to our all-access customers and are not offered for individual purchases. All-access customers have access to the entire CFI training library—including all programs, courses, templates, case studies, and models—for one single price per year.
Do you have a monthly billing option for this subscription plan?
No. We do not offer a monthly billing option or monthly subscription plans. However, our annual subscription plans give you discounted access to all our courses and the flexibility to complete all the courses you wish to take for an entire year.
What payment methods do you accept?
This is a recurring annual payment, and we accept all major credit and debit cards including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
Can I pay in another currency?
We are a Canadian company; however, because most of our students are based in the US, our courses/programs are priced at USD.
Are there any additional fees to maintain my certification?
None, once you have earned a certification, it will never expire.
How long does it normally take for one to complete a certification program?
Each of the programs/bundles takes an average of 4-6 months to complete. However, you are given the freedom to complete all of the training at your own pace! All required courses, resources, and assessments to obtain the certifications will be provided for as long as your subscription is active.
Are CFI courses useful outside of the Certification Programs?
Absolutely! Numerous customers rely on CFI courses for continuous professional development to solve day-to-day business challenges in their roles.
Will my subscription automatically renew if I sign up?
Your subscription is set to automatically renew unless you turn automatic renewals off.
I have a discount code. Can I apply this discount code towards this subscription plan?
Yes, you can apply promotional discounts toward this membership plan. See here for instructions on how to enter a discount code.
If you haven’t found your answer from our FAQ, please send us a message.